Logger management
The logger writes a IGC file to the SD card. The igc file is mostly compatible with the FAI IGC specification, but it does not intend to be 100% compatible. Nevertheless it is ensured, that the file can be loaded by all common mapping software (Tested with OziExplorer, CompeGPS and Touratech QV). Please be aware that altitudes are stored QNE. If you wish to have a detailed specification of the file format including the custom records for marker drop and goal declaration please feel free to contact Marc André .
In case of a lost or broken SD card the logger can be downloaded using a USB cable.
Balloon Management Software
see separate page
Logger track download
In general no utility is needed for track download, as the files can directly be accessed from the SD card. Nevertheless the Logger Downloader utility was written by Marc André for simplifying and automating the download process and file renaming while also applying quality control.
Other software the support balloon loggers
The following software are known to handle the balloon loggers natively:
- eKLIPS (most famous software by Garry Lockyer)
- BFA Scoring (by Mike Gilligan)
- Boxy (analysis software by Bob Fisch)
- FlightAnalyzer (analysis software by Toni Martínez Colom)
In addition GPSBabel can be used to convert the IGC files into almost all existing track file formats.
Documentation and Training
The balloon loggers Quick Guide is provided on this page in Word format. This allows you to modify it for your needs. (e.g. add specific logger failure procedures).
Further a task sheet can be downloaded to provide a training. Pilots may use and try out how to declare a goal and drop a marker. Officials may then download and analyse the data, and even give feedback to the pilots whether they operated the logger properly.
Tips & Tricks
Find more tips regarding logger handling for officals in a special blog category
Official\'s Stuff
» 24.5 KiB - 4,012 hits - August 24, 2013
» 73.2 KiB - 2,051 hits - August 28, 2013
SignatureLib can be used by .NET programmers to verify the signature of a track file within their software.
The lib is written with .NET framework 3.5
Required for firmware version 1.3
» 12.0 KiB - 2,068 hits - August 28, 2013
Command line software to verify the signature of IGC files. Version
Required for firmware version 1.3
» 1.4 MiB - 1,910 hits - August 8, 2019
BLM Balloon Logger Management latest installation file
» 198.0 KiB - 3,198 hits - March 13, 2010
Quick Guide template in Castellano
» 215.0 KiB - 3,039 hits - August 25, 2013
Quick Guide template in German, Version 1.2.
» 212.0 KiB - 4,465 hits - August 25, 2013
Quick Guide template. Updated version 1.2.
» 220.5 KiB - 2,208 hits - March 10, 2013
Quick Guide template in Hungarian, Version 1.2.
» 223.5 KiB - 2,543 hits - May 24, 2013
» 216.5 KiB - 2,818 hits - September 15, 2010
Quick Guide template in Slovak
» 61.4 KiB - 4,094 hits - March 15, 2010